

AGATHÓN is an Open Access Scientific International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design (published by Palermo University Press with DEMETRA Ce.Ri.Med), a half-year tool for information and critical training; it aims to contribute to the growth and dissemination of knowledge in the themes covered by Architecture, Engineering, Art and (product and visual) Design. Therefore, the Journal represents a scientific place where Authors, who have carried out original research, can find an opportunity to spread their contributions. Each issue of the Journal includes essays and research works on a specific theme, unpublished works and not submitted for publication with other publishers.
The Journal through its internal Board promotes and monitors the double-blind peer review process as a method of selecting articles, providing a mandatory form for reporting. The contributions are published in English and Italian language so that they can be placed in the widest range of international scientific community. Founding principles of the Journal are the originality/innovation, the relevance of the investigated topic for the advancement of knowledge, the knowledge and ability to use literature, the methodological rigor, the content clarity and presentation style, the impact on the scientific community, but also the easy accessibility and the wide diffusion of the articles; furthermore, the Journal is open to speculative empirical and descriptive research, about phenomena that present new characters, at least for certain important features. 



Published articles are inserted into one of the following sections:
“Focus” (by invitation for well-known Authors and/or experts in the subject)
“Architecture” (architectural and interior design, urban planning, engineering, technology, history, recovery, restoration, exhibition and museum design, representation)
“Art” (modern and contemporary)
“Design” (for industry, crafts and communication)
and are classified into the following categories: “Essays & Viewpoint”, “Research & Experimentation”, “Review Articles” or “Dialogues”.



AGATHÓN publishes, both electronically and in print, two issues per year, in June and December. The first issue was published in June 2017 and since then the programmed issues have been produced regularly. To encourage the publication of contributions by Authors with primary affiliation to Universities and Research Institutions in countries defined by the World Bank as low-income and lower-middle income economies, AGATHÓN will select a maximum of two Authors to publish their contribution for free, subject to the positive outcome of the double-blind peer-review process. 


Each Agathón issue is downloadable for free at the link


Scientific Directors
Giuseppe De Giovanni | University of Palermo, Italy
Cesare Sposito | University of Palermo, Italy

Managing Director
Micaela Maria Sposito 

International Scientific Committee
Alfonso Acocella (University of Ferrara, Italy), Jose Ballesteros (Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain), Salvatore Barba (University of Salerno, Italy), Françoise Blanc (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Toulouse, France), Roberto Bologna (University of Firenze, Italy), Tarek Brik (University of Tunis, Tunisia), Tor Broström (Uppsala University, Sweden), Josep Burch i Rius (University of Girona, Spain), Maurizio Carta (University of Palermo, Italy), Alicia Castillo Mena (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain), Pilar Chias Navarro (Universidad de Alcalà, Spain), Jorge Cruz Pinto (University of Lisbon, Portugal), Maria Antonietta Esposito (University of Firenze, Italy), Emilio Faroldi (Polytechnic University of Milano, Italy), Francesca Fatta (‘Mediterranea’ University of Reggio Calabria, Italy), Vicente Guallart (IAAC – Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, Spain), Francisco Javier Gallego Roca(University of Granada, Spain), Pierfranco Galliani (Polytechnic University of Milano, Italy), Cristiana Mazzoni(Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-Belleville, France), Javier García-Gutiérrez Mosteiro (Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain), Maria Luisa Germanà (University of Palermo, Italy), Fakher Kharrat (Ecole Nationale d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme, Tunis), Motomi Kawakami (Tama Art University, Japan), Walter Klasz (University of Art and Design Linz, Austria), Paolo La Greca (University of Catania, Italy), Inhee Lee (Pusan National University, South Corea), Mario Losasso (‘Federico II’ University of Napoli, Italy), Maria Teresa Lucarelli (‘Mediterranea’ University of Reggio Calabria, Italy), Renato Teofilo Giuseppe Morganti (University of L’Aquila, Italy), Stefano Francesco Musso (University of Genova, Italy), Olimpia Niglio (University of Pavia, Italy), Laura Ricci (‘Sapienza’ University of Roma, Italy), Andrea Rolando (Polytechnic University of Milano, Italy), Marco Rosario Nobile(University of Palermo, Italy), Roberto Pietroforte (Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA), Carmine Piscopo (‘Federico II’ University of Napoli, Italy), Patrizia Ranzo (‘Luigi Vanvitelli’ University of Napoli, Italy), Mosè Ricci (University of Trento, Italy), Dominique Rouillard (National School of Architecture Paris Malaquais, France), Luigi Sansone (Art Reviewer, Milano, Italy), Andrea Sciascia (University of Palermo, Italy), Federico Soriano Pelaez (Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain), Benedetta Spadolini (University of Genova, Italy), Conrad Thake (University of Malta), Francesco Tomaselli (University of Palermo, Italy), Maria Chiara Torricelli (University of Firenze, Italy), Fabrizio Tucci (‘Sapienza’ University of Roma, Italy)

Editor in Chief
Francesca Scalisi (DEMETRA Ce.Ri.Med., Italy)

International Editorial Board
Silvia Barbero (Polytechnic University of Torino, Italy), Carmelina Bevilacqua (‘Sapienza’ University of Roma, Italy), Mario Bisson (Polytechnic University of Milano, Italy), Tiziana Campisi (University of Palermo, Italy), Chiara Catalano (ZHAW – School of Life Sciences and Facility Management, Switzerland), Clice de Toledo Sanjar Mazzilli(University of São Paulo, Brazil), Giuseppe Di Benedetto (University of Palermo, Italy), Ana Esteban-Maluenda(Polytechnic Univeristy of Madrid, Spain), Raffaella Fagnoni (IUAV, Italy), Antonella Falzetti (‘Tor Vergata’ University of Roma, Italy), Elisa Mariarosaria Farella (Bruno Kessler Foundation, Italy), Rubén García Rubio (Tulane University, USA), Manuel Gausa (University of Genova, Italy), Daniel Ibañez (IAAC – Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, Spain), Pilar Cristina Izquierdo Gracia (Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain), Pedro António Janeiro (University of Lisbon, Portugal), Massimo Lauria (‘Mediterranea’ University of Reggio Calabria, Italy), Ina Macaione (University of Basilicata, Italy), Francesco Maggio (University of Palermo, Italy), Fernando Moral-Andrés (Universidad Nebrija in Madrid, Spain), David Ness (University of South Australia, Australia), Elodie Nourrigat (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Montpellier, France), Elisabetta Palumbo (University of Bergamo, Italy), Frida Pashako (Epoka University of Tirana, Albania), Julio Cesar Perez Hernandez (University of Notre Dame du Lac, USA), Pier Paolo Perruccio (Polytechnic University of Torino, Italy), Rosa Romano (University of Firenze, Italy), Daniele Ronsivalle (University of Palermo, Italy), Monica Rossi-Schwarzenbeck (Leipzig University of Applied Sciences, Germany), Dario Russo (University of Palermo, Italy), Michele Russo (‘Sapienza’ University of Roma, Italy), Marichela Sepe (‘Sapienza’ University of Roma, Italy), Marco Sosa (Zayed University, United Arab Emirates), Zeila Tesoriere (University of Palermo, Italy), Antonella Trombadore (World Renewable Energy Network, UK), Alessandro Valenti (University of Genova, Italy), Gaspare Massimo Ventimiglia (University of Palermo, Italy), Antonella Violano (‘Luigi Vanvitelli’ University of Campania, Italy), Alessandra Zanelli (Polytechnic University of Milano, Italy)

ASSISTANT EDITOR | Maria Azzalin (‘Mediterranea’ University of Reggio Calabria, Italy), Giorgia Tucci (University of Genova, Italy)

GRAPHIC DESIGNER | Michele Boscarino

EXECUTIVE GRAPHIC DESIGNERS | Agnese Abbaleo, Antonella Chiazza, Paola La Scala 

WEB EDITOR | Pietro Artale (startstudio)

Past Scientific Director
Alberto Sposito (1939-2018) | Full Professor Emeritus of Architectural Technology at the Department of Architecture (University of Palermo), he was Scientific Director of the DEMETRA International Journal and of the SPIGOLATURE series, Coordinator of the PhD in Recovery and Enjoyment of Ancient Contexts at the University of Palermo and member of the International Scientific Council of the Biennale of Archeology, he was co-founder and President of Euro-Mediterranean Documentation and Research Centre (DEMETRA Ce.Ri.Med.). He promoted national and international conferences on the issues of conservation, enhancement and fruition of cultural heritage. He has published numerous articles and essays on the transformation processes of the built environment, on the natural and artificial materials involved in the conservative processes of cultural heritage, deepening their historical and technological knowledge.